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  • Writer's picturePastor Cecil Visagie

BIBLE STUDY - Our God of Second chances.

Updated: Dec 2, 2019

“You’re not one of his disciples, are you?” He denied it … One of the household slaves ... asked, “Didn’t I see you…with Jesus?” Again Peter denied it." John 18:25-27 NLT. An open position in a major orchestra is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for a musician. Determined to win a particular position, one man spent a year preparing, practicing up to twenty hours a day. Nearly 300 musicians applied, but this man was one of only 35 invited to audition in person. When the day came, he traveled more than a thousand miles to the site. He readied himself, hoping to impress the selection committee. In that moment, it didn’t matter how hard he had practiced, how many college degrees he had, or which acknowledged masters he had studied with. All that mattered was his performance. He took his place behind a screen (set up to keep the process impartial). Describing the 10-minute audition, he reported, “It wasn’t terrible.” After the audition, he returned home and waited. But the call never came. He had not been chosen. In the following days, he continually was haunted. Why didn’t he win? How could he have done better? Would he ever have another chance? Our lives can be marked by moments like these when we fall short. In this world, second chances might never come. But the Bible reminds us that God continually gives us second chances. Peter was given a second chance after he denied Jesus. He was forgiven and went on to have a powerful ministry. If you have failed, don’t give up. Turn to God. Be forgiven, and receive a new start. Prayer Father, thank You for forgiving my sins. Thank You for giving me second chances. I trust in You. In Jesus mighty name. Amen.

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